
/Helmut Wenninger

About Helmut Wenninger

The company was founded in 1972 by Helmut Wenninger as an engineering office. As a surveying engineer with a technical college degree, planning tasks, structural measurements and architectural tasks were also undertaken at home and abroad. Since 1978, Mr. Wenninger has also been involved in professional politics and, in addition to working on various committees, particularly from 1984 to 2010 as chairman and today as honorary chairman of the VDV in Bavaria. His main interest there is the restructuring of the job of surveying engineers and the liberalization of the geodata market.

updated calendar of the CADdy Academy

  The CADdy Academy's Learn & Earn offer is becoming increasingly popular. Working with LowCost RTK GPS, UAVs and measuring boats WebCADdy BricsCAD (dy) is revolutionizing our working world. The combination of training and hardware leads to a better learning outcome and thus more efficient, shorter deployment time. To the academy calendar

updated calendar of the CADdy Academy 2018-06-07T13:54:10+02:00

new websites

In order to better represent our offer and our products, we have structured our websites easier and better. Here you will find everything you need to know about us and our products so you can work efficiently. Detailed operating instructions, own shop [...]

new websites 2018-06-07T13:47:34+02:00

Training dates Learn & Earn of the CADdy Academy

the CADdy Academy is again offering a Learn & Earn workshop for 3Dsurvey. Learn: Introduction to 3Dsurvey, point cloud processing in 3Dsurvey, further processing of the data, creation of profiles, mass calculation, contour lines, create CAD drawings, processing of orthophotos, terrain manipulation, and much more. Earn: 3Dsurvey more information here: demo video - [...]

Training dates Learn & Earn of the CADdy Academy 2018-05-25T12:54:56+02:00
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