Prohibition exemption now in force in several federal states

//Prohibition exemption now in force in several federal states

Prohibition exemption now in force in several federal states

Regulations simplify drone deployment 

The new Drone Ordinance has caused our profession great headache. Many measurement flights became more complicated or impossible. We have supplemented the Moving Surveyor procedures to capture these areas with other recording methods.

Now the aviation authorities have had a look for commercial users who can prove a need, such as surveyors or photographers, and have issued "prohibition exception regulations". This possibility was provided for in the new drone law. This regulation will initially only apply for one year, as an EU-wide regulation is expected.

Ask about it

In the next few days, we expect the official approval as AST (drone knowledge proof training center) and then immediately announce the dates for the exams.

“Flying Surveyors” will be informed separately


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