Swimming Surveyor 2

//Swimming Surveyor 2

Swimming Surveyor 2

boating also needs to be learned. The Learn&Earn offer “Swimming Surveyor 2”

Not only in real life do you need a boat license if you want to steer boats over 5 HP, but also in surveying life it is advisable to safely master the survey boat. The Surveyor 2 is a boat with considerable equipment and, due to its size, is also suitable for rough water (large undulating waters). In addition to a base rover RTK GPS, there is a highly accurate sonar on board. The heart is a processor of the latest generation of drones - a Pixhawk 2, which enables maneuvering to the centimeter. This processor captures the data from the GPS and the sonar into a record and stores it on an SD card. The data can be traced directly on the smartphone on land using a special Bluetooth program (control).

This data is in turn WebCADdy-compatible and can be imported, displayed and prepared for third-party formats immediately. It is obvious that this technique, as simple as it is in principle, has to be shown once in order to use the advantages effectively. A one-day training course is also included in every measuring boat (Learn & Earn). The seminar program includes the installation and setup of the boat, the operation of the hand control and autonomous route planning up to the data transfer.

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Seminar dates are agreed individually with the purchase. Dates on the spot will be charged separately.


