Transitional regulation to the EU regulation extended

//Transitional regulation to the EU regulation extended

Transitional regulation to the EU regulation extended

We almost expected it. Now it's official!

Originally, the introduction of the new UAS classification (C0 to C6) would have applied on January 01.01.2023, XNUMX. The transitional regulation that allows us to continue using “existing drones” under certain conditions in the open category would then have expired.

This date has now been officially postponed, by exactly one year to 01.01.2024/XNUMX/XNUMX. This means another year of grace for our operations in the open category with our existing drones.

Drone training Axel Dannenbauer

If you want to read more about this, we HERE find.

Do you have questions about the new EU drone regulation, photogrammetry, UAS operations or would you like to obtain the A2 long-distance pilot's certificate?

Then just give us a call: 089 4274 22 22

Your CADdy Geomatics team

