What's new in 3Dsurvey 2.10.0? - CAD point generator

//What's new in 3Dsurvey 2.10.0? - CAD point generator

What's new in 3Dsurvey 2.10.0? - CAD point generator

Use the CAD point generator and automatically extract 3D points from the point cloud. Simply define the grid shift between new points and create points as you would measure them on a field with your conventional equipment only 100 times faster!

There are more options available - you have the option to extract points:

  • New points based on the calculation of the average height with a defined radius
  • Snap-in option at the lowest point (ideal for areas with high vegetation to extract terrain points)

Advantages of the CAD point grid generator:

  • Create mapping maps even faster in 3dsurvey
  • Automatic extraction of terrain points in areas with high vegetation and creation of an accurate digital terrain model (where the classic classification cannot extract terrain points)
  • Create a sketch for your customers (PDF) or a report with information about the terrain height


Read Tomorrow: Point clouds thinning

